McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home Limited
Welcome to
​McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home
For 90 years McFarlane & Roberts Funeral Home has had the privilege of serving the families of Lambeth, London, St. Thomas, and surrounding areas. We are honoured that you continue to place your trust in us.
Our priority is you. Our mission is to make sure you are supported and treated with the respect and dignity you and your loved one deserve. Your ideal memorial may reflect lifestyle, culture or faith and we strive to honour each of these in the manner that best meets your needs.
On our website you may view our current services including signing a family's guest book or placing a memorial donation. There is information on preplanning funerals, cremation services, reception options, and assistance for the grieving.
Should you have immediate need of our services we are available to assist you at any time, day, or night. Please call 519-652-2020.
Owen Boughner
Owner & Managing Director
Click to view BAO Consumer Information Guide
Funeral Establishment Operator - Class 1
License Number FE-252
One of the best gifts you can give your family, is the gift of a pre-planned funeral. start today.