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Pat Jancsar posted a condolence
Friday, January 12, 2024
Marie n Mike
I just heard of your Moms passing, our thoughts n prayers are with you n all your extended families.
Paul n Pat ( née Weir) Jancsar
Margaret Conibear posted a condolence
Friday, December 30, 2022
Marjorie and I met when we both boarded with Mr. & Mrs. Dicker on Wharncliffe Road more than 70 years ago. We have kept in touch over all the years since then although we didn't see one another often. I valued her friendship and looked forward to our Christmas letters and the occasional phone call.
Family was very important to Marjorie and I know all of you will miss her. She is now at peace. Remember her with love.
Matthew & Carol Penny posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Our sincere condolences to the family of Marjorie. She was a great support and spirited friend to us when we were part of the Lambeth United Church family. Her willingness to take part was always appreciated. Especially, we remember her volunteering to play the piano for the monthly services at Ashwood Manor. Marjorie will be greatly missed. Blessings and peace to you all.
Jane Engels posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Marie & family,
Our sincere sympathy on the passing of your dear Mom. May cherished memories bring you all peace and comfort.
Jane & Guy Engels
Clari Thornicroft lit a candle
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Annie Brackett lit a candle
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Karen black lit a candle
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Mr. Manning, Marie and Mark and your family.
Please accept our deepest sympathy on the passing of Marjorie. Our thoughts are with all of you at this time.
Due to the fact that we are both not feeling well with a cold we thought it best to not attend tesuday and Wednesday.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
David and Karen Black
Darrell Laird posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Bruce, Marie and Mark so sad to read of Marjorie passing, long and well lived life. It’s a tough time of the year to lose family. My Father J. George Laird passed thirty years ago today.
Sincerely, Darrell and Sandi Laird.
Ken Kightley posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Sincere condolences to the Manning family on your loss. Lots of memories of long friendships, bible studies, lunch clubs, church functions, hockey games. Thinking of you all.
Kightley family
Linda Fox posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
To Bruce and Marjorie's Family,
Please accept my deepest sympathy in your loss.
I had the pleasure of Bruce and Marjorie's company on many a day trip with Ilderton Tours.
They were great travelers and I loved spending time with them. Sad when the day came that they were not able to travel with us anymore. They were indeed missed.
Treasure your many memories and hold them close to your heart where she will always remain and
remember that LOVE never dies,
RIP Marjorie.
Love, Linda Fox
Fran McKeen posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Bruce, Marie and Mark, and your families,
So saddened to hear of Marj's passing. She was a great lady and so dedicated to her work at Lambeth United. It was
a privilege to have worked alongside her through the UCW.
Unfortunately, we have medical appointments on Tuesday AND Wednesday, so won't be able to see you in person.
But please know that Dunc and I are with you in thought and in prayer.
You have been blessed to have Marjory for so many years. Yet that blessing seems to make it that much harder to say goodbye.
We understand that, and hope that in the coming days, you will find peace and joy in celebrating her life.
In sympathy and friendship,
Fran and Dunc McKeen
The family of Marjorie Eldena Manning uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

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The family of Marjorie Eldena Manning uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Please wait
The family of Marjorie Eldena Manning uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Please wait
David and Bev McLean posted a condolence
Monday, December 12, 2022
Our deepest sympathies to Bruce, Marie and Mark and your families.
Brenda, Chris, Jaden and Lesley Marriott posted a condolence
Monday, December 12, 2022
Our deepest condolences to Bruce and family. Many lovely memories come to mind when I think about the happy times we spend with the Manning family. Marjorie was a treasure. Please know that we think about you as you navigate the difficult journey ahead. A life well lived and well loved.
Laurie McLean-Beatty and Douglas Beatty lit a candle
Monday, December 12, 2022

I remember the fun times our families had together while camping and also visiting each other's homes to share in a meal. Marjorie was a wonderful hostess and enjoyed learning about what was going on in our lives. I also recall she and Bruce stopping by to visit us at the time we built our home- about 25 years ago. I am thankful for the visit we had a few years ago in which my mom was able to come along. Visits with the Mannings were always enjoyed. The connections went way back. We will remember your mother fondly.
2240 Wharncliffe Rd S.
London, ON N6P 1L1
Phone: 519-652-2020